

Q&A with Matt Zolnowsky: Zinvent Industries LLC

Rapid City startup serves Federal wildland firefighters with a unique creation

Published Monday, October 24, 2022 7:00 am

In short, what does Zinvent Industries LLC manufacture?

We manufacture fish-friendly water pump filters so baby salmon, for example, don't get harmed when firefighters pull water out of lakes and streams. Right now, these are mainly used by Federal wildland firefighters battling fires in remote areas of the West Coast in salmon habitat.

What led you to the creation of these water pump filters?

I've always been fairly inventive. In the summer of 1999, I had an internship with the US Forest Service while getting my degree at SD Mines. The need for a product was first seen then. We have a couple of marginal designs that came out of the internship. Every summer since then I kept sending the Forest Service updated designs. Some years I would make 20-30 filters, some years none. I kept refining the design over this long period then it finally took off. Now, I'm up to my 'gills' in work.

What has been your biggest surprise or takeway on your journey getting to this point?

There are two things that stand out to me: One, the length of time it took for this product to get traction in the Federal system. The second is how it doesn't have to be any crazy technology to be innovative. These filters took 20+ years to get in the hands of all wildland firefighters battling fires.

What do you appreciate about being part of the Black Hills business community?

Elevate has been very accommodating. My federal contract came in fast this year and I needed shop space ASAP to start manufacturing the filters. The stars aligned perfectly and I was able to start manufacturing these ahead of schedule with my space inside the David Lust Accelerator Building.

What has been your biggest struggle?

The Forest Service has stated for many years that they would purchase the filters in a large quantity 'soon'. Playing the waiting game year after year (while having other full-time jobs) was difficult and stressful.

What advice would you give to an aspiring entrepreneur?

You don't have to have any crazy technology to be innovative. These simple water filters are easy to manufacture and are in high demand right now.

Learn more and connect: www.zinvent.com